//设置分页控件 varp = $('#dg').datagrid('getPager'); $(p).pagination({ pageSize: 10, //每页显示的记录条数,默认为10 pageList: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], //可以设置每页记录条数的列表 beforePageText: '第', //页数文本框前显示的汉字 afterPageText: '页 共 {pages} 页', displayMsg: '当前显示 {from} - {to} 条记录 共 {total} 条记录' /*onBeforeRefresh:function(){ $(this).pagination('loading'); alert('before refresh'); $(this).pagination('loaded'); }*/});
$("#CstName").val(); $("#TaskNo").val(),
是 否
$("#FeedBackDate").datebox("getValue"); $("#IsKfCl").combobox("getValue");
$('#dg').datagrid({ collapsible: false, fitColumns: true, singleSelect: true, remoteSort: false, sortName: 'RoleName', sortOrder: 'desc', nowrap: true, method: 'get', loadMsg: '正在加载数据...', url: '...', frozenColumns: [[ { field: 'ck', checkbox: true} ]], columns: [[ { field: 'ID', title: 'ID', 80, sortable: true}, { field: 'Name', title: '名称', 100,sortable:true} ]], pagination: true, pageNumber: 1, rownumbers: true, toolbar: [ { id: 'btnAdd', text: '添加', iconCls: 'icon-add', handler: function() { $("#name").val(""); add(); } }, '-', { id: 'btnEdit', text: '编辑', iconCls: 'icon-edit', handler: function() { varselected = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelected'); if(selected) { varname = selected.Name; $("#Name").val(name); edit(); } } }, '-', { id: 'btnDelete', text: '删除', disabled: true, iconCls: 'icon-remove', handler: function() { } } ] }); });
新增 编辑- 拷贝′ 复制地址· 下载REG 删除y 区域: 客户名称: 查询
pagination: true, pageNumber: 1, rownumbers: true, toolbar: '#tb', ...
//保存functionsaveFeedBackLog(mode,id) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", //cache:true, url: "../Ajax/FeedBackLogAjax.ashx?Method=SaveFeedBackLog", data: { FeedBackDate: $("#FeedBackDate").datebox("getValue"), CstName: $("#CstName").val(), TaskNo: $("#TaskNo").val(), FeedBackContent: $("#FeedBackContent").val(), CsZrr: $("#CsZrr").combobox("getValue"), CsYzResult: $("#CsYzResult").val(), IsKfCl: , KfZrr: $("#KfZrr").combobox("getValue"), EndDate: $("#EndDate").datebox("getValue"), KfClDate: $("#KfClDate").val(), Wtyy: $("#Wtyy").val(), Mode:mode, ID:id }, success: function(data) { //..........
functionedit() { varrowData = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelections'); if(rowData.length == 0) { $.messager.alert('提示', '请选择要编辑的项!','info'); } else if(rowData.length > 1) { $.messager.alert('提示', '只能选择一项进行编辑!','info'); } else{ _mode = "2"; varrow = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelected'); openDialog(); $('#fm').form('load', row); _srcCodeManageID = row.SrcCodeManageID; url = "../Ajax/SrcCodeManageAjax.ashx?Method=SaveSrcCodeManage&ID="+ row.SrcCodeManageID+"&Mode="+_mode; } }
//保存functionsaveSrc() { $('#fm').form('submit', { url: url, onSubmit: function() { return$(this).form('validate'); }, success: function(data) { if(data =="Success") { $('#dlg').dialog('close'); // close the dialog $('#dg').datagrid('reload'); // reload the user data $.messager.alert('提示', '保存成功!', 'info'); } else if(data=="Error") { $.messager.alert('错误', '系统出错!', 'error'); } } }); }