From the RUNBOOM.COM, it said:
专注于为中小企业提供网站设计制作、做网站服务,电脑端+手机端+微信端的三站合一,更高效的管理,为中小企业方山免费做网站提供优质的服务。我们立足成都,凝聚了一批互联网行业人才,有力地推动了近千家企业的稳健成长,帮助中小企业通过网站建设实现规模扩充和转变。Scope(作用域) 是应用在 HTML (视图) 和 JavaScript (控制器)之间的纽带。
Scope 是一个对象,有可用的方法和属性。
Scope 可应用在视图和控制器上。
While, how many scopes can we have? is there any structure in it? I got those question when I come to it.
After a tough time reading, I think I have mixed up it with scope in java or python or whatever.
To be simple, it is a way to pass values from controllers to view(HTML), and nothing with structure.
I have to admit that here is a simple structure from rootscope to scope, while, here, we'd better ignore it as it has no contribution to our understanding of scope in Angularjs.
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