@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { final ArrayListpattern = mPattern; final int count = pattern.size(); final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup; if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) { // figure out which circles to draw // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING; final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle; final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING; clearPatternDrawLookup(); for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) { final Cell cell = pattern.get(i); drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true; } // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count; if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) { final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING)) / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING; final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1); final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column); final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row); final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles); final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX); final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY); mInProgressX = centerX + dx; mInProgressY = centerY + dy; } // TODO: Infinite loop here... invalidate(); } final float squareWidth = mSquareWidth; final float squareHeight = mSquareHeight; float radius = (squareWidth * mDiameterFactor * 0.5f); mPathPaint.setStrokeWidth(radius); final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath; currentPath.rewind(); // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect // a cell // only the last segment of the path should be computed here // draw the path of the pattern (unless the user is in progress, and // we are in stealth mode) final boolean drawPath = (!mInStealthMode || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Wrong); // draw the arrows associated with the path (unless the user is in // progress, and // we are in stealth mode) boolean oldFlag = (mPaint.getFlags() & Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG) != 0; mPaint.setFilterBitmap(true); // draw with higher quality since we // render with transforms // draw the lines if (drawPath) { boolean anyCircles = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Cell cell = pattern.get(i); // only draw the part of the pattern stored in // the lookup table (this is only different in the case // of animation). if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) { break; } anyCircles = true; float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column); float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row); if (i == 0) { currentPath.moveTo(centerX, centerY); } else { currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY); } } // add last in progress section if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) { currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY); } // chang the line color in different DisplayMode if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Wrong) mPathPaint.setColor(Color.RED); else mPathPaint.setColor(Color.YELLOW); canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint); } // draw the circles final int paddingTop = getPaddingTop(); final int paddingLeft = getPaddingLeft(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float topY = paddingTop + i * squareHeight; // float centerY = mPaddingTop + i * mSquareHeight + (mSquareHeight // / 2); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { float leftX = paddingLeft + j * squareWidth; drawCircle(canvas, (int) leftX, (int) topY, drawLookup[i][j]); } } mPaint.setFilterBitmap(oldFlag); // restore default flag } |