java读取文本文件的方法有很多 这个例子主要介绍最简单 最常用的BufferedReader类 完整例子如下 package net chinaunix blog hzm text;import java io BufferedReader;import java io FileReader;import java io IOException;public class ReadFile {private String path;public ReadFile(String filePath){path = filePath;}public String[] openFile() throws IOException{FileReader fr = new FileReader(path) BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(fr) String[] textData = new String[readLines()];int i;for(i= ; i readLines() i++){textData[i] = textReader readLine() }textReader close() return textData;}int readLines() throws IOException{FileReader fileToRead = new FileReader(path) BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(fileToRead) int numberOfLines = ;@SuppressWarnings( unused )String oneLine;while((oneLine = bf readLine()) != null){numberOfLines++;}bf close() return numberOfLines;}}package net chinaunix blog hzm text;import java io IOException;public class FileData {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{String filePath = C:/text txt ;try{ReadFile reader = new ReadFile(filePath) String[] content = reader openFile() int i;for(i= ;icontent length;i++){System out println(content[i]) }}catch(IOException e){System out println( 异常信息 + e getMessage()) }}}java io BufferedReaderThe buffer size may be specified or the default size may be used The default is large enough for most purposes In general each read request made of a Reader causes a corresponding read request to be made of the underlying character or byte stream It is therefore advisable to wrap a BufferedReader around any Reader whose read() operations may be costly such as FileReaders and InputStreamReaders For example BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( foo in )) will buffer the input from the specified file Without buffering each invocation of read() or readLine() could cause bytes to be read from the file converted into characters and then returned which can be very inefficient Programs that use DataInputStreams for textual input can be localized by replacing each DataInputStream with an appropriate BufferedReader java io FileReaderFileReader is meant for reading streams of characters For reading streams of raw bytes consider using a FileInputStream lishixinzhi/Article/program/Java/hx/201311/26249
JLabel lblLabel = new JLabel("title"); //title是指标签的名称
lblLabel.setText("htmlbody换行br /换行/body/html");
jtf.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {//失去焦点的时候
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {//得到焦点的时候
实现方法请具体参照《Eclipse swt/Jface核心编程》
第21章 文本处理.
21.1 文本处理概述... 409
21.2 项目实战:JavaScript编辑器... 409
21.2.1 主窗口预览... 409
21.2.2 项目文件结构... 410
21.3 主窗口模块... 411
21.3.1 代码实现... 411
21.3.2 主窗口程序代码分析... 414
21.3.3 启动主窗口程序... 416
21.4 代码着色... 417
21.4.1 源代码配置类(SourceViewerConfiguration)... 417
21.4.2 基于规则的代码扫描器类(RuleBasedScanner)... 419
21.4.3 设置代码扫描规则... 420
21.4.4 提取类(Token)和文本属性类(TextAttribute)... 423
21.5 内容辅助... 423
21.5.1 配置编辑器的内容助手... 424
21.5.2 内容辅助类... 424
21.5.3 辅助建议类(CompletionProposal)... 426
21.6 文档的撤销与重复... 427
21.6.1 文档管理器对象(DefaultUndoManager)... 427
21.6.2 撤销操作的实现... 427
21.6.3 恢复操作的实现... 428
21.7 查找与替换窗口... 429
21.7.1 窗口的界面设计... 429
21.7.2 查找功能的实现... 433
21.7.3 替换功能的实现... 434
21.8 首选项的对话框... 434
21.8.1 首选项页面的代码实现... 435
21.8.2 打开首选项页面的代码... 436
21.9 文件的打开、保存与打印... 437
21.9.1 打开文件... 437
21.9.2 保存文件... 437
21.9.3 打印文件... 438
21.10 帮助对话框... 439
21.11 其他的一些工具类... 440
21.11.1 事件管理类... 440
21.11.2 资源管理类... 441
21.11.3 程序中使用的常量... 443
21.12 本章小结... 444